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"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go." —Dr. Seuss

Alex Hague

South Piedmont Community College Associate in Art Capstone ePortfolio

Hi, My name is Alex Hague! Welcome to my E-Portfolio! Here, you will find an overview of my academic career, as well as goals for the future. You can find these by visiting the various pages, such as my personal introduction, where I will talk a little bit about myself, my goals, my core skills, my program outcomes, and my additional education experience.


The purpose of this portfolio is to showcase what I have learned during my time at South Piedmont Community College and show the growth that I have gone through throughout my educational career.


The reason that I choose to include a photo of some books is that the career I am pursuing is to become a librarian! As a librarian, I will need knowledge on a wide variety of skills, such as oral and written communication, but also knowledge on technology and how to use it so that I will be able to help others when they need it. For me, books have always been a gateway to other places and time periods, and in a world where people focus so much on the present and all of their stresses and worries, I think that books are an important way of leaving all of that behind, even if only just for a little bit.  Thank you for taking the time to explore my portfolio, I hope you enjoy it!

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